I’m writing again (yay!). My big plan of taking October off? Yeah, not so much. I think I was slowly going bonkers.
Actually, the plan was more not to start anything big until after World Fantasy, and that’s still my intention. But last night, I resurrected an untitled collab short story that Jay and I were working on before I dove deep into OUR LADY. I wrote 600 words on that and sent it back to him. (And I see he’s already written a piece and sent it back–darn him!)
Darn him? Why? Well, because I have a *new* story I want to write…
This one is only a title–well, and a first line, which came to me a little bit ago. (At this rate, it’ll be done sometime next spring!) The title: “Neither Love Nor Golden Spider Beetles.”
The first line? Well, for that you will just have to wait. Now I’m going to see if I can find a few more lines, and thus end the evening feeling accomplished. 🙂