And Back

Flew back to SFO today, returned to the Witchnest. I do love coming home, though it means leaving Jay behind (for a few days at least). Oh, life. Why do you have to be so complicated?


This will be disjointed, because I am full of small thoughts, and I got up at 4am to make the very early flight, which was only a little bit late, and made up the time in the air, which, how is it that they can do that, and why don’t they always do that? As for myself, I tried to be productive during the flight; I was tired, but I did have important things to take care of as well. I went online and not knowing what I would find, I decided on a whim to look for gift baskets for women. I found exactly what I was looking for. Placed the order, and boom, one less thing to worry about, just like that! Don’t you rest much easier when you don’t have like 20 things hanging over your head?


After I landed, I went straight out for errands and groceries before I even drove to the nest, which made me feel So Very Accomplished. Then I went straight up to Ye Olde Day Jobbe and *finished* (for some value of “finished”) the freelance project for Boss Man, which, yay! Now I have all day tomorrow to do all those other things I have to do…you know, like Christmas shopping and stuff. For my friends–because my family, most wisely, gave up on Christmas gift exchanges years ago.


My building, with 12 apartments, shares one washer and one drier. I lost the Laundry Wars this afternoon/evening: it took me four hours to get one load through. 🙁


But my time wasn’t wasted. I had a lovely talk with my dad, as I called him for his birthday (happy birthday again, Dad!). We will see each other on Christmas, but there will be many people there, including my fascinating aunt from Italy, so it was cool to talk one-to-one.


That’s about all I got for now (see above re. getting up at 4am…) 🙂 Happy solstice everyone!

1 thought on “And Back”

  1. Love reading of your summer travailles and journeys. You’re an amazing writer and your aunt is DEFINITELY a fascinating artist! The Laundry wars are very real, and definitely a challenge with multi-units, hang in there!

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