Another tough day in paradise here….
I’m really astonished: I’m having essentially no jetlag. I fell asleep last night about 9:30, out solid (no surprise there); woke up briefly around 1:30 and then for about an hour around 4, but went back to sleep both times, and got up at 8:30 for the day, feeling much refreshed.
Whereupon we embarked on a grueling day that included: some yoga, a lovely bath, strong espresso, a delightful walk around the village, aperitivos with the neighbor at noon, lunch out, a lie-down to read (and VERY brief nap), a visit to another neighbor (with more espresso), my cousin coming over for dinner, and a skype with Mark. Grueling! 🙂
Some photos:
The entrance to my auntie’s courtyard (with her house and front door in the background):
When we visited the second neighbor, we were given pomegranates from his tree:
My cousin: