I am sitting on the floor in the convention center lobby, World Fantasy Con happening all around me, while I (and a bunch of people who managed to snag chairs) are enjoying the free wifi the con offers, rather than paying $10 per computer per day in our already-spendy rooms… 🙂 One must be frugal, you know. One must save one’s money for important things, like wine at BarCon.
So, I will likely be logging in once a day or so, at best–because there’s too much fun going on here to want to spend time on the internet anyway!
My panel was last night, about writing monsters as protagonists, and it went well, except I’m so darned inarticulate speaking in front of audiences…I mean, it’s why I’m a writer! I think best in front of the keyboard, without everyone staring at me. Fortunately my fellow-panelists took up the slack and the huge audience seemed to enjoy themselves. Itself. Oh there’s another darn confusing collective noun again.
Mark had his reading this morning, and it was well-attended too. Everyone wants to know when the book is coming out.
The rest of the time has been taken up with seeing old friends, getting caught up with old friends, exclaiming with joy upon seeing old friends, hugging old friends, having meals with old friends, and (yes) BarCon with old friends. I’ve even met some new friends. 🙂 I think I know more people at this con than any other con I’ve been to. I guess that makes sense–and it’s awesome. I can’t walk partway across a room without stopping for another conversation. Actually, I can’t believe I’ve only been approached once while sitting on the floor here. But I am sort of hiding.
Oh and the weather here is lovely, just gorgeous. The Marquise and I left Portland with frost on the ground, and landed here and had to immediately hunt up our sandals.
Well, time to answer a few emails and then get on to the important business of Being Here…