Still Sore

My goodness, there are muscles in my back I didn’t even know I had. Well I know it now.

Swimming today was helpful, as it was yesterday. But, wow. Thank goodness for Advil. 🙂


Here’s another baby-shrimp photo, still fuzzy, but you can see they’re getting bigger! (He’s perched on the leaf in the center of the picture)

Here’s some grownup shrimp. (The baby will grow up to look like the red one.) Yes, there’s two shrimp in this photo. And some snails.


Mark is heading down tomorrow; Wednesday we take off for All The Families. So today, besides being sore, I did laundry, began organizing and packing–the usual stuff. Finished a freelance job. Lots of correspondence. Wrapped a thing or two. You know.

More Advil, and bed now, I think.

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