Caloric Express, Part 2

We had Christmas celebration at Mom’s yesterday, with all the gang, and all the food–delicious! Then most of us went out to see the Tintin movie, which was so much fun. Today, Mark and I are off to spend a few days with his parents…internet is more elusive up there, so, well, we’ll see about any blogging.

I’m certain there will be plenty of food, though. 🙂

Here’s my brother, out at Dad’s, after opening a present:

And here’s the dog, attempting to become indistinguishable from the rug:

It’s been a fun trip so far, and nice and warm during the daytime, but it’s actually been colder at night than Portland. Brr! So much for California!

And that’s the news from here. Oh look–it’s time to eat again!

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