A more energetic day today, though I’m definitely ready for bed now. I had some quality time in the garden–I was preparing to go outside when the skies opened up. It poured for half an hour or so, then cleared, so I went for it. I was digging out lilac suckers, with their long deep roots, so the wet muddy soil was just perfect. Exhausting though! When I started feeling dizzy after about two hours, I came back inside. 🙂
And I got some quality work done on Nightcraft Mother as well. Soon I will be finished with this pass; there’s lots more to do, though, including writing several chapters at the beginning of the book, because I’ve realized it starts too late. Fortunately I’m cutting enough to make room for that. I’m excited to get into fresh writing…
Though tomorrow is another office day, and then I have houseguests in the evening, so the garden and the novel may get short shrift. Oh well. I persevere.
I’m excited to talk Nightcraft Mother when you’re all done!
I am reachable by my normal phone and also Skype while in Mexico, by the way.
Great! Maybe by the end of the weekend–for this round of edits anyway? (I’ll definitely want to talk to you before going farther forward!) 🙂