Never A Dull Moment

I had a lot of fun with Scott being here–we went around town yesterday doing research for a potential new project of his, including riding the tram up to the OHSU hospital and meandering about in the rain, and signing stock at downtown Powells. And then had a nice dinner at McMenamins before his reading at Beaverton Powells–it was a pretty intimate gathering there, but the reading went very well. This morning, breakfast at Cup and Saucer before he headed out for Seattle and another reading later this week.

Whereupon I went out for a swim (my, how the exercise habits fall off when company is here!) and then puttered about in the garden before writing a few more pages on NCM–beginning to incorporate some clever thoughts I had in the pool. It’s all coming together, yes it is!

And now I am weary. And since Friday morning I depart for LA at the crack of Not Even Morning Yet Early, I suppose it’s a good idea to start shifting my sleep habits a bit earlier, so that I might stand a chance of having some energy when I get there.

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