Back to Civilization (or at least Yreka)

Camping was fun, but hard, but fun; I am sunburnt, and BOY did the shower feel good when we got back to Mark’s parents’ house!, and a full report will come later, but here’s what we did for dinner, reaffirming the well known fact that Everything Tastes Better Outside:

Macaroni and cheese! From a box! Overcooked! In a plastic container! And god it was good.

We took a short and strenuous hike (and being at 9,000 feet made it all the more strenuous) and then the next day, a long and very strenuous hike (but by that time my lungs had adjusted and it felt great). Most of the photos are on Mark’s phone, so I will share them later, but here’s one I took:

Sleeping was the hardest part. My new inflatable pad was comfy, but my very good sleeping bag was WAY too warm, and the ground wasn’t quite flat, and the pillow was weird, and blah blah the usual not-in-a-bed situation. But, I survived.

We’re driving north today; stopped in Redding for dinner, and almost stayed overnight there, and I was looking forward to saying “In Redding, on purpose this time;” but we decided to press on to Yreka after all. Home tomorrow!

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