Whirlwind Day

Thank you everyone for the congratulations on the novel sale! 🙂 Miss Q and I shared some celebratory champagne this evening:

Oh and those roses are from the garden; I did some pruning and tidying and weeding this afternoon.

The big thing I did today (and it’s not done yet) was move my work space from the dining room to the “spare room” upstairs–it’s technically the third bedroom, but very small for a bedroom. A very nice size for an office, though, and it has built-in shelves and upgraded electrical outlets, and a phone jack. It’s just a more sensible use of space, to work here…but the emotional baggage that came along with the move has been surprising, and distracting. This has been the room where I’ve dumped all the stuff I’m not ready to deal with…piles of stuff from my previous life, for example.

And it’s not quite set up just right yet–I need another small work table, to spread out the proofreading projects; as it is now, I’ll have to scoot the computer aside when I switch to proofing, and that’s less than optimal. Also I could use another bookcase. (I could ALWAYS use another bookcase…) But I’m working here now, and I can see the potential.

And now I’m thoroughly exhausted. I know it probably doesn’t sound like much, but it was quite a day.

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