Not the Day I’d Planned

I was all prepared to be productive today–had finished a freelance project yesterday and all I had to do was get the corrections to the publisher, which is usually a pretty straightforward thing. And then I have another job lined up after that one.

But there were LOTS of corrections, and I typed them all out, and it ended up taking kind of all day, in between meals and a small errand…

But I finished that around 6:30, and so at least I could be productive in the evening, start the new job, or write, or something…

But it was time to make dinner, and I’d shopped for the Zucchini-Feta Pancakes recipe that I love to make, so I went ahead and made that, and OMG they were the Best Ever!

And meanwhile I’d put some music on, which I rarely do in the house (as opposed to, oh say, THE CAR), and I was really enjoying listening to my songs on random. And sitting at the table, eating these most delicious zucchini-feta pancakes EVER, and enjoying the nice loud music, I realized I didn’t even want to read, I just wanted to listen to the music and be present for the incredible food.

And when dinner was over, the night was still so warm, I sat on the porch, continuing to enjoy the music, and thinking about how I should go be productive, but, later, after this song…

And then a song from Dark Side of the Moon came on, and I thought, I’d really love to hear that whole album, it’s been forever.

So I played that whole album, and actually listened to the words (“Breathe, breathe in the air, don’t be afraid to care…”), and laid on my back on the floor letting the music pour over me.

And it was good.

Not the day I’d planned. But…I’m okay with that. I was productive yesterday. I can be productive tomorrow. Today, I just lived.

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