Sideways Day

Well today wasn’t quite as planned either, but for different reasons.

I had a mandatory real estate training thing right in the middle of the afternoon, off in another city; I had just enough time to go for a swim before driving out there. Got to the gym…realized I’d forgotten my suit at home. I tried to buy a suit in several nearby stores, but–because it’s 100 degrees out!–they’ve gotten rid of all their swimsuits and are now stocking winter coats. Of course.

So I drove back home, got my suit, went back for an abbreviated swim, resigning myself to the fact that I’d be a bit late for the training.

On the way out of the gym, I checked my email and found some bad news about a friend’s health.

Rushed off to the training, which was…well, it was. I confess (if it isn’t obvious already) that my energy is not in real estate these days. And even when my energy was there, real estate wasn’t giving me much love. Or, any love. So, this felt like not the best use of my time.

Rushed back home, got some freelance work done, talked to a few friends about our mutual friend’s health news…then found out my Subaru’s alternator is going out. Yes, the alternator that was replaced four months ago. So I spent some time researching auto loans, new Subarus, credit unions, and running budget scenarios….SIGH. If you’re searching for loans as well, a lot of people visit They work with over 40 different lenders to bring the very best rates. If this interests you, click for info. I mean, it would/will be very exciting to get a new car, but this was not supposed to be until next year!

Which just goes to show how foolish it is to make plans. :/

Anyway. I did get a smidgen of writing done this evening (reviewing my editor’s comments on Nightcraft Mother, and working on the series outline; then getting a few pages forward in the Hobgoblin edit), and now I am all out of steam.

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