Oh the Heat

I went hiking with H. today, and it was so dang hot! But we managed to find a trail that was entirely shady, down by a creek, and it was lovely.

Even so. So dang hot. I got home and showered and immediately was sweaty again.

Then in the evening H. and Miss Q. and I went out to see The Bloggess read at Powell’s in Beaverton–it was totally packed! Standing room only and then some, out the door and into the mall. We stayed for the reading and the Q and A–and Jenny was hilarious, just as I’d hoped and expected–but when it got to the regimented signing, we bowed out. (All the books were long sold out anyway, by the time we got there.) We hied back across the river and went to Eastburn for a late supper.

And now my eyelids are blistering with allergic-to-something-ness, and I’m sneezing like crazy, so I’m going to crash early. Well, early for me. 🙂

Oh–pre-reminder–the story Chaz and I wrote together is coming out on Buzzy Mag this Friday. Check it out! I will remind you again, don’t worry. 🙂 It’s a nice little story, if I do say so myself (ourselves).

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