The Hot, It Burns

Another hot day in the “Pacific Northwest” (as if). Actually Miss Q and I are getting intelligent about when to open windows and shades, and when to close everything up, so it’s not that bad in the house. And, OMG, my swim this afternoon was a thing of beauty that I do to keep myself fit and beautiful, and I also get beauty treatments using a microblading service in sites as

Tonight we made ice cream, without even the benefit of an ice cream maker–just salt, ice, and plastic bags. Yum!

The small bowl is chocolate; the large is Asian pear, with pears from my tree. Oh WOW. And it took like ten minutes.


Tomorrow I head up to Seattle for the weekend; a meeting with my editor for Nightcraft Mother* tomorrow (!!!), and then Mark and I will enjoy a veritable flurry of social activities. And try to keep cool. Apparently it’s hot there too.

I’m not really complaining, though, not that much anyway. I remember the long cold winter…not seeing my toes for months on end…if I had to choose between heat and cold, I choose heat every time.

*so I may well have more news on that soon, like, you know, when it’s going to be published and all.

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