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Sorry for the radio silence–Seattle was busy and fun, and I only turned my computer on once. This was also due to the fact that Mark has reconfigured his tiny apartment to accommodate his new art equipment, and there is no longer a natural place for me to use my computer…so I spent time learning about art instead of lollygagging around on the internet. 🙂

Quick weekend recap: Friday I had a GREAT meeting with my editor about changes to be made on Nightcraft Mother. He had some very perfect suggestions which will make the novel SO MUCH BETTER. My deadline for these edits is October 31. We’re looking at a publication date of mid-next year, to be determined after he looks at my edits and we decide how much more (if any) revision is needed.

Then I went and fetched Mark, and we had dinner with Mr. Editor and Miss K, which was delightful.

Saturday was one of the above-mentioned art lessons, and a party for Lindsey’s 40th birthday, and then a quiet evening in.

Sunday we slept marvelously late, and did more art, and saw a matinee of ParaNorman (it was hilarious!), and then met Scarlettina and Elizabeth for sushi dinner. The food was good; the service was…complex. I tried to order about six different things that they did not have (but that were on the menu), but at least I didn’t get a full glass of water dumped on me, as Elizabeth and Scarlettina did. :/ Anyway, despite all that, the conversation was scintillating, as always.

And today I packed up and drove home, and tended my garden, and got to the end of a chapter editing Hobgoblin, because I really really really want to get this done before I tackle Nightcraft Mother. Which should be entirely doable. I mean it IS entirely doable.

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