Two Steps…Sideways?

I worked nicely along on my Hobgoblin edits today, getting to the point where I realized something bigger and more important needed to happen at the end of the chapter I was working on, and coincidentally it was time for my swim, so I said, Brain, go ahead and think this over whilst we are swimming, and lo, brain did, in fact brain came up with So Much More…

Brain said, Wait, none of this makes sense unless we totally reconfigure Character A’s relationship with Character B…starting from the beginning of the book.

Hmm, said I. Brain is right. Darn it.

So I came home and started working on the outline, which had gotten all a-scribble and crazy, and matching it up with the book-as-written-thus-far, and I didn’t quite get all the way through when it was time for dinner; and then it was time to water the garden; and to harvest some Asian pears–

(it looks like mashed potatoes but it is several servings of Asian pear ice cream/ice milk, with limoncello and two basil leaves, OMG delicious)

–and to call my folks, and to help Miss Q with a sewing project, and to talk to Mark, and that’s how it gets to be midnight.

But! This novel is going to be so magnificently good, once I get it all making sense. Oh just see if it isn’t.

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