Yeah, very clever of me, “I only have to make little changes to chapters 1, 5, and 7.” Hahhaha. Anyway, you know what happened: after dithering around and making fourteen false starts, and going off and reading the entire internet a few times, I started at the beginning again and am rereading/reworking Hobgoblin, making the appropriate changes as I go…
The good news is, it’s still basically a darn good book. At least through chapter 6, which is where I am now. I mean, I’m about to start chapter 7, which is apparently where all the REAL problems come into play, but it’s getting late(ish), and going to bed to read SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY which is NOT ON A COMPUTER SCREEN is starting to seem like a better and better idea.
But I did get a LOT of old Captain Awkward letters read today. 🙂 Plus other actually productive stuff too! Like making new business cards, in case anyone asks for them at WorldCon. Which is next week. Jeez. I’m so not ready.
Okay, step away from the computer, nothing more to see here.