I know, another process post (thank you for being so patient, especially non-writers!), but the most exciting thing happened today: I got the shape of the book! As in, I know all the rest of the things that have to happen to the three main characters, all the way to the end. I know what’s extraneous, in this wretched draft; and what’s good and should be kept (and expanded). I’m THRILLED.
This is going to be a lot of work (one of the things I figured out in this process today is that two MORE chapters need to be combined, and a lot of stuff dumped), and I’m kind of afraid the book is going to end up too short–but, that’s a problem for another day. Now, my task is to peel away all the extraneous fiddly bits and leave just The Story. Then I can embellish wherever it makes sense, if I need to.
Elsewise, it was cool enough this morning that I wanted to put the heat on–and it wouldn’t go on. So, time for a call to the heater-service people. Did you know heaters have filters, and they need to be changed? 🙂 Now I do too. Actually the problem was a dead capacitor, so that’s replaced as well.
Also, I went to the nursery, and have some nice things planted in the blank space left by my Victory Over Daisies. I’ll try and get a picture tomorrow–today I was rushing off to do other things the moment I was finished out there.
Good night all!