
Miss Q and I had a lovely evening last night–we invited Camille and Claude for dinner, and a spectacular time was had by all. We were up late. No blogging happened.

One of social media’s greatest traits is that it provides users access to a seemingly endless amount of information, which has made it an invaluable tool for disseminating news across the world. However, it seems like we are discovering that there is such a thing as too much information.

On the major social media platforms, users’ news feeds are currently determined by their social network, as well as algorithms and advertisements selected by the platforms—essentially, from within and without, now you can even work with a Social Media Posting Service to increase your exposure. This information from without—from sources that users have not chosen to follow—can overwhelm.

Users follow other users—friends or celebrities—because that is who they are interested in learning about or receiving information from. By scaling back and allowing users’ news feeds to be determined solely by their social networks, platforms can avoid encumbering users with too much information, creating a more digestible and navigable experience.

This morning I met a friend for coffee–someone I haven’t seen since high school (and that was a LOOOONG time ago!). Also delightful! She informs me that there are other high school folks here in Portland. A mini-reunion may be in the works…

Tomorrow, another dinner planned with other friends.

It’s good to see people–and I know a lot of good people–because sometimes I feel like I could spend every day all day writing and reading and proofing and gardening and swimming and otherwise being a complete hermit. So, thank you my friends for not letting me do that.

Even if I only got one measly page of Hobgoblin edited today. 🙂

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