
Better today, allergy-wise. A good night’s sleep helped.

I had a weird thing happen in that good night’s sleep: I dreamed a proofreading dream, in which I realized that a correction I’d made in yesterday’s work was in fact incorrect, and that I should look up this particular, peculiar, obscure word. I woke up in the middle of the night from that dream and thought, Huh, I should remember that for the morning. And in the morning I did, and found that indeed my dreaming-brain was smarter than my awake-proofreading-brain, and I corrected the incorrect correction, and all is good.

Then later this afternoon, I demonstrated that my swimming-laps-brain is smarter than my sitting-at-the-computer-editing-novels-brain, when I easily solved a problem I’d been fussing with for a day and a half, by realizing that (yet again) I was trying to force my characters into situations that were just entirely wrong, and if I let them just do what they were intending to do, the terrible awful no-good things would happen just fine, and would actually be even more interesting than the stupid things I was trying to construct.

Oh and last night I went out with H. and her friend B., to a delicious Chinese restaurant that offered (among many other fascinating delicacies) “chicken paws”. We did not order them. We ordered other things, and enjoyed our meal very much.

And that’s the news from here. At least all the news that I’m prepared to go into tonight….

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