Okay so I actually wrote a whole fresh chapter today…didn’t just EDIT a chapter, I WROTE one. Clearly I am coming to the end of this…one more chapter to write, then two more (plus a tiny coda) to edit, and this draft of Hobgoblin is done!
(and then, of course, I need to send it through readers, including my kid brother who will give me the 19-year-old-guy perspective, even though my kid brother is 21) (being as how one of my major characters is a 19-year-old guy) (but still! this will be so much like done!)
I am stoked.
What else did I do today? Hmm. Went for a swim; watered the yard; dropped piles of stuff off at Goodwill. Made ice cream. Talked to Mark, who said he knew when I told him that I had a whole chapter to write and therefore I wouldn’t do it in one day, that I would of course do it in one day. 🙂
Of course I won’t repeat this tomorrow. No sirree.