There and Back Again

I went to Seattle and I came home from Seattle. And in between I was in Seattle. (oh gosh, can you tell I’m sleepy?)

I ended up staying longer than planned today; I like to leave mid-day to beat the traffic, but as we were having breakfast mid-day, I realized that was not going to happen. So I went the other direction, and left after evening rush hour. There were only two problems with that: I had to drive mostly in the dark, and I was SOBER UNTIL 10PM. (ahem.) But there was no traffic! 🙂

Mark and I spent a lot of time working out calendar-things, and then working on proposed titles for the Nightcraft series. I’ve sent them along to the publisher; I’ll post them when they’re final!

On the drive up, more of the other day’s realization about Hobgoblin played out in my mind, like a movie; I wrote it out today, and will insert it into the book tomorrow. Closer all the time…I’m excited to be done with this! And I’m excited at how well it’s going. Can’t wait for you all to read it.

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