The Nightcraft Quartet

My Brilliant Editor and I have finally settled on new titles for the books of the Nightcraft series, which is now called The Nightcraft Quartet. They are:

I. Queen and Tower [formerly known as Nightcraft Mother]
II. A Sword in The Sun
III. The Lovers Three
IV. The Empress and The Moon

And yes, the “The”s are capitalized on purpose, because they refer to the names of relevant tarot cards.

Exciting! Glad to have that finally all figured out.

Today I started work on editing Nightcraft Mother Queen and Tower (gosh, this is going to be hard; I’ve thought of it as NCM for so many years!); I’m still in chapter 1, finding my way back into the story. But, what a relief it is to be working on a book that’s much less badly broken than the last one I worked on. 🙂 Maybe this edit won’t take months and months… Fingers crossed.

Because then I will have a sequel to write!

2 thoughts on “The Nightcraft Quartet”

  1. You are busy now with the edits, but I am certain that you’ll be fully rewarded when your books will start to keep us readers extremely busy. 🙂

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