Full Speed Ahead

I’ve dove (diven? dived?) fully into the edits of Nightcraft Mother Queen and Tower, and it’s going very well so far–I’m already well into chapter 4. Of course this doesn’t surprise me in the least, because chapters 1-4 were written anew in my last round of edits, and they’re pretty clean and solid.

Between chapters 4 and 5 there’s a big time-jump, which needs to not be there; then, from chapters 5 onward, most everything is edited, not freshly written, so…its quality may vary, shall we say.

So I expect the pace will slow right down, like, tomorrow. Even so, I’m happy to have made such a nice start.

And there was a lot of other stuff today–I’m getting rid of my (old, unreliable) Subaru, so there were logistics around that; did some yard work, went for a swim, cooked a meal; and worked on a little interior decorating project that I’ve been noodling with forEVER and finally got motivated to move forward: I’ll take photos tomorrow, when the next piece is put together. I’m actually quite proud of it, it’s turning out well!

I’m also making a bold attempt, these last few days, to get to bed earlier, and go to sleep earlier (two different things, of course, for those who read in bed). The new regimen is: in bed by 11, lights out by midnight. So far so good–and lo and behold, I’m waking up earlier too, without an alarm, and feeling nicely rested. Who knew?

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