I haven’t posted about this, though it’s been happening for a few weeks; I just haven’t found my way into being able to write about it.
And for some reason, tonight I think I can.
My dad went to the doctor for some other things; in the course of tests to figure out the other things, they found a thing they weren’t expecting; which was a tumor, in his kidney; which is most likely cancer. Renal cell carcinoma.
So he will be having surgery, in a month; they hope they can take just the tumor, and leave the kidney, but they won’t really know till they get in there.
They also think that it’s contained right there, and he won’t need chemo; that this will take care of it.
I really hope so.
So, anyway, if sometimes I post about nothing, that doesn’t always mean that nothing’s going on. :/
I’ll be going to San Francisco for his surgery, though the details aren’t worked out yet. I’ve been looking forward to getting back to the city for a visit soon, although this wasn’t really what I had in mind. Oh well! We take what comes, I suppose.
Later they will still have to figure out the other things, that they were testing for, when they found the thing.