So, I haven’t had a drink since last Friday night. Just trying to give my system a little break; I’m planning to not drink till my birthday (Halloween), though I’m going to a party this weekend where I might allow myself one glass, I’ve already decided.
Last weekend and earlier this week was super easy–surprisingly easy. Mark and I ate out in restaurants, and I had no problem just drinking water. (It’s cheaper too!) I think the fact that Mark is pretty much a non-drinker himself had something to do with how easy it was; I wasn’t watching him drink, or having him miss it with me.
But tonight–god. It was dinnertime, I was hungry, and MAN I wanted a glass of wine! The whole time I was cooking, my brain kept saying, This is stupid, just have a glass, come on! And I kept saying, No, brain, we’ve decided not to, remember?
It didn’t go away till I ate; then I was fine.
But it’s funny that I seem to associate being-at-home-evening-hungry-time with have-a-glass-of-wine-time. STRONGLY associate. Habits, man.