Substitute Innkeepers

So here’s the cool thing I couldn’t tell you about last week, because it wasn’t settled, but now it is so now I can: Mark and I are going to be substitute innkeepers on Orcas Island next winter!

Last week while we were staying at the Blue Heron bed & breakfast, we got to talking to our hosts (who we adore, and have stayed with before), and they asked if we’d be interested in taking over the inn while they travel across the country during the off season. We thought about it, talked about it, and decided, Yes!

It will be November of 2013 through February of 2014, so we’ve got a year to plan and get ready.

We’re planning some fun things for our time there: Mark would like to run a few art workshops, and I’m thinking about writing retreats. Plus, we should be able to get plenty of our own work done too, in between cooking breakfasts and cleaning rooms. 🙂

I’m so excited! It sounds like a grand adventure. My kind of adventure: one with gorgeous views and comfy beds.

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