Back to Witchlandia

I got back into my edit of Nightcraft Mother Queen and Tower The Queen and The Tower today (well, after a tiny false start over the weekend before I got busy again)–it had been since before my trip northward since I’d managed to put any real time into the book. I’m pleased to say it’s coming back nicely; I’m reading over the part I’d already edited, both to just refresh my memory and in light of the editorial input I got from Brilliant Editor. And making small changes and adjustments, including planting seeds for a major scene I need to add soon. (or maybe I will just move a later scene to earlier in the book, and adjust as necessary…hmm…)

Anyway! It’s awesome to be writing again, is basically the point.

Otherwise, I sent out one freelance project, received another one somewhat unexpectedly, and made some progress on a third one. Yay work! And went for a swim, and made homemade ice cream, and am pleased about the Giants, and am now headed to bed to finish reading The Night Circus, which is made of awesome.

And I think that’s all the news from here.

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