The obstruction broke loose today–I was in the shower and one line came to me, one little sentence from the main character in Nightcr– The Queen and The Tower, and I scurried to the computer (well, after I was dry and dressed and all that), and started writing, and the pages POURED out of me, three before I’d half taken a breath; and then two or three more after that, in almost as little time; and then the flood eased up, and then I was struggling again, so after poking at it a while I went on to other things.
But QUITE satisfied with my progress today, I have to say.
It’s funny: it was only like a half an hour of fingers-on-keyboard, all told, so it doesn’t feel like I worked on it much today; but it’s so much more than that, of thinking and dithering and figuring and all that–really, it’s a good day’s work.
Elsewise, today, I did lots of other things. I voted, and I waxed lots of cats (dealing with leaving-real-estate matters, and the like), and I brought up the Halloween decorations from the basement, and dealt with some of those, and I had a lovely dinner–
–with my friend H., and then H. and I accidentally found ourselves in the Hawthorne Powell’s, and I accidentally bought a huge pile of books–
–about which I am very embarrassed, because I don’t NEED any more books, in fact if I didn’t buy a single new book for the next two years I’d STILL not get through all the unread books I have….but, oh well, there you go. My name is Shannon Page and I am addicted to buying books.