I had a marvelous birthday yesterday! I would have posted sooner but I’ve been flooded with like a hundred birthday wishes (thanks to Facebook!). Also busy.
The day started with sleeping in and skipping yoga (what was I thinking, setting the alarm? I was so not going to yoga), and then Ken Scholes arrived to take me to lunch, which was of course breakfast for me. Several grapefruit mimosas later, I was returned to the Manor, where Mark and Miss Q were busy with party prep. I helped a bit, but they really did all the work.
Then Mark put me in my costume and then we worried that nobody was coming and then people came! Marvelous people!
Undead Frida Kahlo!
Devil with the Blue Dress On! (AKA Miss Q)
The Mesmerist!
Edgar Allan Poe! (and the Devil)
The Mysterious Madame H and her Cake of Many Wonders!
The Green Man meets Modern Technology!
A couple of Space Cadets! (with Undead Frida totally photobombing!)
I don’t have a full-length photo of me in my costume (I’m hoping someone else’s camera contains one!) but here’s part of it, me with Madame H:
I’ve never been to a party with such thoroughly good costuming–I’m very impressed. And so much fun was had.
This morning’s detritus yielded up many parts and pieces of costumery…
(just a small sample)
Today was recovery day–cleaning up the house, putting things away, reading LIKE A HUNDRED Facebook messages. And then this evening Mark and I went out to see Will’s band play, and that was awesome too.
And now it is so totally bedtime. Because I am so totally going to yoga tomorrow, because now I’m 46 and I darn well better go to yoga if I know what’s good for me.