Hooray for Social Media

What if I gave a reading at a con and it wasn’t in the program?

Well, if I blogged and Facebook’d about it, maybe I’d get more people in the audience than I’ve ever had at a (personal) reading before!

(I’ve read to larger audiences, but only as part of an anthology-reading, with several authors on the bill.)

It went very well! People laughed when they were supposed to, and clamored for more when I was done, and YAY I’m done!

The day was good all around. People seem to be adjusting to the many logistical problems that this con has presented us with (I am not the only person disappointed by the apparent lack of basic organization here). Mark and I had to do some stuff here in the morning (I’m still not telling you about the rats) and we barely made it to the con in time for early lunch with John Pitts et famille, plus bonus! The Child. Then I sat at the Cascade Writers table while Mark did panels. I left the table a half hour or so before my reading so I could go off and be alone with my nerves; then suddenly it was time to read, and I read, and whew.

Then delightful drinks with Snippy, then dinner with clever costume-y friends, then a few parties upstairs; and now we are SO DELIGHTED to only just now realize that tonight is daylight savings time. OH MY GOD YES an extra hour of sleep! Sorely needed!

Tomorrow, an early morning, bleh. As for now: sleep, and then some!

2 thoughts on “Hooray for Social Media”

  1. Yay indeed! It was really well received. Honest, several people came up to me afterwards and said, “I want to know what happens next!” 🙂 So, yay!

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