And Now Next?

We’re done with OryCon; it seemed…a bit off this year, and I don’t think it was just because of the snafu with me and the program. (No bio in the program either–nothing. Like I wasn’t there.) Though we saw lots of good folks, it seems as though the critical mass wasn’t quite what it could be. Maybe too much of the critical mass was in Toronto; I don’t know.

Anyway, it’s done now! And we did the AuthorFest mass signing at Powell’s in Beaverton, which was very nice (thank you Peter!). And then sort of limped home in an exhausted muddle, and began organizing ourselves to head to California tomorrow.

My dad’s surgery is on Wednesday morning; we’re planning to get to the Bay Area Tuesday mid-day, and hang out with the family, and maybe even watch the election returns, though of course Dad will need to get to bed at a decent hour, and he won’t be able to eat anything the whole day before the surgery, so that will cut down on the partying potential. 🙂 (But then we will go off and stay at my brother’s, so, well, you know.)

It feels very late. It must be bedtime.

Anyway, expect random and sporadic updates here, though I will try to let you all know how the surgery goes in a reasonably timely fashion.

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