Retreat, Day Zero

We made it to Port Townsend today; lovely town! Lovely day!

The retreat is being held in this marvelous old military barracks building.

The bedrooms were similarly spartan:

Fortunately, Mark and I travel enough and stay in enough, er, discount motels that we have developed strategies for making such places feel more homelike:

This place is awesome, actually; a huge amount of space, nice views, good writing energy. I’ve gotten through a reread of all of The Queen and The Tower up to the point where I left off editing, (mumble mumble) weeks ago. Tomorrow, I will start moving forward again–I’ve got some more stuff to fill in (maybe another chapter or two), then I start cutting down bits of what lies ahead.

I hope to make LOTS of progress this weekend. I’d better…not much time left before the edits are due on November 30th…

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