Retreat, Day Two Point Five

Or some such math. Anyway, the second full day.

I am getting SO MUCH DONE. It’s marvelous! (Brilliant Editor will be pleased to hear this, I’m sure.) I’ve gotten entirely back into the novel, after being completely distracted by all the travel and Dad’s surgery, and my birthday, and all that. Thus far, I have reread everything I’d already done, finished filling in the big gap in the middle, and started on editing the after-gap part, cutting out things that no longer fit, adding and stitching together new stuff.

I even had one of those marvelous “duh!” moments, where I realized why a character was doing what I needed her to do; and that I’d already set up a large part of it without even realizing it (consciously). I love that.

Today it is raining, but yesterday was okay (cold, but dry). Mark and I walked into town mid-day, for some shopping and lunch.

Port Townsend is awesome. I’d love to spend more time exploring it. We did make it to William James bookstore and to the Writers Store, but there’s much more to see!

Now I need a little break; it’s too icky to go outside (though many of the other retreaters headed off to town a while ago). Maybe I will bundle up and walk around the grounds a bit. We’re staying at Fort Worden, which is very cool.

A house that was built for a woman who was busy marrying someone else instead of coming here from Scotland to live in it.

Or maybe I will lie on the couch and read a bit.

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