Mark and I drove from Seattle to Portland yesterday, which isn’t usually any kind of big deal (especially as much driving as we do, from All The Places to All The Other Places), but, boy, this time it was.
It rained and Rained and RAINED!, which of course this is the Pacific Northwest and it rains here, but this was the big scary dark heavy nonstop gusty-wind rivers everywhere rain, where you can see nothing on the freeway, and the car tires cannot hold the road because hydroplaning, and, yeah, it was scary.
So most everyone slowed down, except for the people who didn’t, and we were actually surprised not to see more accidents, though there were a few. None of them involving us. Thank goodness.
Even so, it was a pretty white-knuckled drive.
And I am becoming briefly re-acquainted with my home, before we take off tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with his parents, and a little time with my folks too.
Meanwhile, I did get a bit of editing done today, including another wonderful “Oh DUH, of course!” moment, where I realized I need to move something that was very convenient for the author to a place where it will be very inconvenient for the main character, and therefore a whole lot more interesting. I hope. 🙂
And, wow, sleepy. I may not blog much the next few days, because Thanksgiving. You know.