Not Bedtime

Let me actually make a post when I am not falling into bed, for once! 🙂

Poor, poor Chaz: he is not having the good travel luck this week. First his flight was delayed by many hours on his way up here on Wednesday; then, going home today, they were actually in the air, and the plane turned back around and landed here in Portland again. Apparently the “check engine” light came on (that used to happen on my Subaru too, when I went to a high altitude); there was much texting, and I was thinking I’d be heading back to the airport to fetch him back here again; but they seem to have fixed it, and he seems to have gotten home all right. (I am using all this “seems to” language because American Airlines’ website is Most Inscrutable Indeed. It simultaneously says “In Flight” and “On Time” and “Delayed” and all manner of other contradictory things. But I think I may have cracked the code, and I think he may have landed.)

Also complicating things is the fact that my internet went down a couple hours ago. I spent about forty-five minutes on the phone to the Philippines, whereupon it was discovered that there is an outage in my area. Lo.

(And how am I posting this, you might well ask? Thank goodness for my iPhone’s mobile hotspot!)

Well. What with one thing and another, I didn’t get much editing done this week, though I’ve been working hard on the novel since I got back from the airport, and have gotten through about 40 pages, and cleaned up many small problematic things. I’ve got a slightly larger problematic thing ahead; I may tackle it tonight, after this little break, or I may jump on it fresh in the morning.

In other news, poor Mark has come down with a cold. Too much birthday frivolity, maybe. (Which is not code for drinking, as he is largely a non-drinker, and didn’t touch a drop yesterday.) (Unlike, oh, Chaz and me.) The silver lining is that he was going to drive back to Seattle today, but is staying here instead, sleeping and letting me take care of him. Sort of. Mostly just sleeping. 🙂

So I think that’s all I’ve got to report. Now I’m going to take another stab at this novel, though if my brain is done for the day, I’ll honor that, and go to bed with a book…

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