I got Many Things done today! Not All the Things, alas, but it is a start.
Mark, as I mentioned, has come down with a cold, so he is sticking around here rather than driving back to Seattle. (He’ll probably go tomorrow, all this sleep is helping him heal.) I’m studiously ignoring him (except for making sure that he’s eating) and going about my business: I’ve spent a lot of time editing The Queen and The Tower, and should finish in the next few days (I hope!!). It’s going very well, and I am trying hard not to rush it, as is always the temptation, especially when one starts closing in on the end.
And I went for a swim today, for the first time in like forever. I was hoping I’d even remember how. Well, I did–it felt GREAT–though it was exhausting by the end. And I look terrible in a bathing suit at the moment. Grr. But, that’s what the swimming is for, so, there you go.
Also! The coolest thing! When Chaz was here, yesterday we walked up to Hawthorne and made with the shoppings, and I bought a marvelous thing, a Himalayan salt tile. Basically a big salt lick, that you cook on. So today I tried it out. I forgot to take a picture before I started…here it is after searing salmon:
And here’s my salmon (half-NOMMED):
It worked marvelously! And you can use it again and again, and it only needs wiping off. Salt is a sterile preservative, after all. Totally cool. And it made the fish juicy and salty, though not TOO salty: just perfect. I am pleased.
And I need a second one, because one is not big enough; I had to do the salmon filets one after the other, and that was sub-optimal.
In other news: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM! 🙂 Hope your day continued fantastic!