We have made it safely to Mark’s parents’ home, in the Land of Very Little Internet (but it does function!).
It was a marvelous weekend, as I mentioned; a fabulous birthday party for H. And an interesting experience getting there. We followed the google map directions, but began to get worried as the path took us ever more remotely, past decommissioned military bases, on unpaved roads, up hills (to a boat dock?).
Anyway, we did actually make it to the boat dock, but it is clearly not a high-traffic place.
Our group had to go in two batches, on the small boat.
The lighthouse itself was very charming and comfortable. And, incredible views of the whole bay once we got there.
H had given the overnight’s agenda as “Get there, eat, sleep, get up, eat, leave.” That was a good description. 🙂 Also, great company, much frivolity, and a demonstration of the old, traditional foghorn. (Glad I had my earplugs!)
It was all over too fast. If we go back, we’re definitely staying more than one night. (and if you go, be SURE to request “Walter’s Room”, farthest from the foghorn!)
We stopped briefly by Mark’s cousin’s house in Alameda, and admired the deadly amanita mushrooms that have sprouted in her yard (and that I thought were porcelain fakes, they were so bright and adorable):
And now, the plan is for a relatively quiet couple of days here in the mountains, before returning to the Bay Area for more frivolity and chaos.