Oh yay, LiveJournal works again. I haven’t been able to log in in several days.
I left the Bay Area yesterday–Mark drove me north, to my dad’s fabulous health club; then Mark returned south for a few important things (he’ll rejoin us tomorrow).
Here, I went for a swim (yay!), then we went home for a fabulous home-cooked meal (also yay!).
We did not open the Very Large Bottle of Wine that Dad was given as a gift.
It’ll probably come out at Christmas. 🙂
Today we came back to the health club, where I enjoyed a noon yoga class (yay!) and am going to go for another swim (yay!) as soon as I manage to digest this delicious lunch. Then we’ll head home again. Grueling schedule, I know!
The only less-than-happy note is that my parents’ Little Dog is at the vet. He’s been quite clearly feeling under the weather for a couple of days, and passed a pretty bad night last night. He’s an elderly Little Dog, but I do hope this is something they can treat and fix. Fingers crossed.