Busy day! Lots of freelance work done, plus a swim and yoga (and the VERY THRILLING realization that I am getting stronger every day in yoga–gee, there must be something to this practice-every-day concept…) and Camille came for dinner, which was fabulous and fun.
And Mark has been working on a brand-spanking-new website for a while now, and now it is live! Check it out, he’s even blogging! 🙂 There’s links to tons of his art on there, including his new piece. And excerpts from the new UNPUBLISHED novel. Check it out! You know you want to!
In other news, I didn’t start my rewrite of Hobgoblin today. I’m dithering over the opening scene–do I use the perfect one (from the old version of the novel), or the even-more-sublimely-perfect one (that hasn’t been written yet)? I know, I know–just decide and move on. But I am thinking I’ll read this first chapter at Foolscap in a few weeks…so it would be kinda nice to have something ready….SIGH. Mark says I should not read from Hobgoblin but instead should read from one of the novels that’s coming out this year, but I’ve read the first chapters of Eel River and The Queen and The Tower already before.
What do you think, oh audience of mine? Do you want an excerpt from a novel you can buy in a few months, or something no one has heard before (not even me)?
Keep up the good work, don’t let them get you down!
Thanks Katja! 🙂
If you expect the audience for your reading to contain a significant number (over 30%) of the same people as have attended your readings in the past, then pick something new.
Of course I think you should read from The Queen and the Tower, but I might be biased. You don’t have to read the first chapter again, either. There’s a lot of good stuff in the middle of the book. 🙂
I read the opening at OryCon last November…I mean, you never know who’s going to show up in a reading audience (!), but it’s entirely possible that there will be a lot of overlap.
But from the middle of the book…that’s an interesting idea! I’ll dig around… hmm… 🙂