So it was totally SNOWING this morning but I walked to yoga ANYWAY because I am MIGHTY and besides the snow was very pretty and I caught some on my tongue and it felt funny on my eyelashes and.
And furthermore I walked through the snow to yoga UPHILL BOTH WAYS.
And then I did ALL THE ERRANDS (except the ones I saved for tomorrow), and the snow got even snowier and snowier, big fat fluffy flakes, even though the forecast kept insisting the day was sunny, no, sunny, no, Sunny!
But it wasn’t. It was snowing. Rather a lot.
And then I went for a swim at the gym, and whereas yesterday I was treated to the experience of a guy in the jacuzzi aiming the jets at his crotch (ech), today the jacuzzi was out of order, so instead I got treated to the sight of a different guy TAKING OFF HIS SUIT ENTIRELY AND SHOWERING BUTT-NAKED IN THE POOL-AREA SHOWER. In full sight of god and everyone, and all the swimmers, and the parking lot, because there are big windows.
And I was thinking, Yes, they warned me Portland is weird.
And then when I got home I wrote TWO THOUSAND WORDS which brings my total in the Hobgoblin reboot to FOUR THOUSAND.
And you should all look upon my MIGHTY accomplishments and be VERY IMPRESSED, because it all happened IN THE SNOW, UPHILL, BOTH WAYS.
That is all. Carry on.