I usually eat pretty simply, when I’m cooking just for myself, but every now and then I come up with something marvelous.
Actually, this was incredibly simple too, but OMG YUM!
I bought this salt-cooking-tile thing a while back, and made salmon on it, which was marvelous. The salt-cooking-tile thing package showed a picture of shrimp; I thought that might work.
I bought some large frozen shrimp, raw, with their tails on. Which, I cannot stand that. Really, people: we’re not going to eat the tails. Can we just TAKE THEM OFF?
I realized that, Yes, I can. It’s just for me. Who’s going to object?
So I peeled off the tails, and then crushed some peppercorns in the mortar-and-pestle, and then found some saffron in the spice drawer that ought to be used up, and crushed that in there too. Rolled the shrimp in the pepper-and-saffron, thusly:
And proceeded to cook them on the salt-tile, in a very hot oven, for a very few minutes.
OH MY GOD you guys…this is my new favorite thing. Simple as can be. Salty and peppery and saffron-y. Succulent and perfect. YUM!
In other news, I made nearly 3,000 words of forward progress on Hobgoblin, by virtue of cut-and-paste, several scenes from the previous version only needed a bit of editing and interstitial writing to work here. So that feels good. I’ve gotten the plot to the everything-follows-from-here point, at not quite 12,000 words in; that feels appropriate.
More tomorrow!