I went on an urban(ish) hike today with G&T (and N), down through the Oaks Bottom wilderness area, then back along the city streets.
At the turnaround point, we paused to observe the Sellwood Bridge, which is being slid over, ever-so-carefully, from its old (falling-apart) base, to a new (presumably more sturdy) one.
The concrete one on the left is the old one; the metal is the new one.
At the moment, it doesn’t appear to be solidly footed on either one, but kind of floating in space. Impressive. And a steady stream of traffic travels across it all the while.
A better look at the underpinnings.
On the walk back, we caught a nice view of the wilderness area in the foreground and downtown Portland framed in the distance:
Then we waited in line forever for sushi at Saburo’s (even though we got there a half hour before they open), but it was totally worth it.
Elsewise, I got up to 19K on Hobgoblin. It’s flowing so AWESOMELY well, I am so pleased. It feels very organic. Maybe I’m finally getting it right this time. 🙂