Ah home again. It is sweeter even than usual this time. Because reasons.
And Mark is here with me–he came along, for a few days anyway, because of many things we need to do in Portland, and because I was dying to get home and couldn’t stay another day in Seattle. Lovely as Seattle is. (The sun even came out briefly once. It was very weird.)
It was a productive trip for me; I signed two contracts for Professional Writing Things, and had a lovely convention which included a successful reading and a really good workshopping session. I spent too much money and ate too much food and got basically no exercise, but, well, that’s kind of how cons go.
This morning, Mark and I were both dismayed to hear that Scarlettina was rear-ended on her way home last night; we’d spent some quite enjoyable time with her this weekend, and THAT was supposed to be the thing to report in one’s blog, not something unfortunate. Especially since just last year, her car was totaled by being rear-ended on I-5 on the way home from a con. Not good, universe. Very not good. Please correct this malfunction at once.
And with that, I sign off, and go sleep in MY OWN BED.