So the aquarium had gotten a little overgrown.
Well, okay, it had gotten a *little* overgrown before I went to Seattle last week. When I got home, I found that it had gotten a *lot* overgrown.
Fortunately, since Mark came down with me to visit for a few days, and since the aquarium plants are kind of his thing, he was able to to address that!
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a “before” picture. Just imagine a picture here of an entire box filled with underwater plants, and a little water, and no fish, because they’re all hiding in the plants.
And now, here is after:
You can actually see fish!
And a bonus, slightly blurry, picture of a crystal shrimp:
The little white bits on the piece of petrified wood are sand, spilled over from where we prefer it. Within a day or two, the shrimps will have carried all the sand off to wherever they prefer it. Which is why we keep having to add sand. 🙂
Most of the rest of the day was about story-writing-and-editing (Mark) and freelance work (me). Trust me, you’re getting the cream of the crop here, entertainment-wise. You’re welcome.