So I most romantically slouched around the house all day in my extraordinarily romantic sweats with my incredibly romantic horrifying facial lesions (which are, in fact, healing); and I had a very romantic dinner all alone of something wretchedly unhealthy from the freezer (salty AND deepfried AND too sweet, yum!), plus very romantic leftover birthday cake (yeah my birthday is in October, I froze the cake, WHAT??); and I felt too tired to (romantically) move a muscle but I had to go out to the store anyway, for said unhealthy dinner, and calamine lotion, and whatnot; but other than that…yeah.
I did, however, actually take a shower; and Mark and I spoke on the phone six or seven times; and I am halfway through my nine-pills-a-day regimen (3.5 days to go!); and the shingles do seem to be healing; and our true Valentine’s Day will be next week; so, it’s all right, I suppose.
But wow, I am tired. That’s how I know I’m sick. When I start getting bored and restless, that’ll be a good sign. For now–bed looks pretty darn good.
Feel better soon!
Thank you! 🙂 Working on it!