So I’ve got this marvelous pile of notes from Brilliant Editor about changes to be made in The Queen and the Tower (and in fact the whole Nightcraft series), bolstered by a further deep and insightful phone conversation with Mark this morning, and so today I immediately got busy and set about….doing a bunch of freelance work, cleaning the aquarium filter, watering and feeding and pruning the orchids, tidying the dining room and my desk and the kitchen, and and and…
But eventually I actually did get down to the writing-work, and spent quite a while updating the master series outline, adding in lots of details I hadn’t figured out before, changing things that no longer fit, all that. I think I will be ready to start working on actual edits tomorrow!
In news of things that are actually done and brilliant, however, here’s the cover art, gorgeously executed by my own beloved Mark:
I love it! It’s so amazing to see this character who has lived in my head for so many years actually becoming something visual, that other people can see… I am so pleased. And excited. And nervous (what if the book can’t stand up to this amazing art?). And…you know. 🙂