I am ten pages into the collab short story; it is going very well, I’m having lots of fun with it. It’s a very refreshing change of tone and style from The Queen and The Tower, which is probably very good for me. 🙂 Palate cleansing, as it were. Though given my druthers, I’d have flopped down on the couch for a few days to just read something for fun. Ah well.
Also, LOTS of freelance work in house, which is awesome and fantastic and BUSY! And encouraging and great. And busy. I had to make myself go out and work in the yard for an hour–though of course once I got out there, I had to make myself come back in when the hour was up. Everything is starting to bloom and it looks so gorgeous…too bad everything makes my eyelids blister. 🙁 I love Portland but I do seem to be rather allergic to it.
And that’s how it gets to be almost midnight…a little writing, a little proofreading, a little weeding, and there you are.