Well! It is very exciting. We’ve scrimped and saved, and eaten lots of ramen, and dug around in the couch cushions for change, and I think we can actually swing it…Mark and I are planning to go to World Fantasy in Brighton this October!
He’s never been to England–he’s never been anywhere but Japan, actually, many years ago–so of course we have to stay a bit longer than just the four days of the con. I’m looking into doing a house trade in London, and visiting friends as well, to make it all just a bit less horrifically expensive.
At World Fantasy, Mark will be exhibiting in the art show, and I’ll just be… being there. 🙂 My favorite way to do cons. (though if they offered me a reading, I wouldn’t say no.) And at least one if not two of my novels should be out by then, so I’ll have something to show off.
Whee! And now all the serious planning begins…