-And lickity-split, it’s published: here’s the beer anthology, with our story, which I just announced the sale of like five minutes ago. 🙂 I haven’t actually seen it yet. If you get a copy, let me know how it looks!
-I’ve been pondering what to work on next, writing-wise. Brilliant Editor informs me that I have a little breathing room, before edits of The Queen and The Tower are back on my plate (and before I need to start drafting A Sword in The Sun). So I am revisiting Hobgoblin again…and realizing that, no, actually, I’m NOT convinced that it needs to be a YA. Yes, the issues faced by the two main characters are those of identity and belonging and all that…issues that most people face in their teens…but, actually, what makes these characters interesting is that they, for various reasons, *didn’t* face them then. And now here they are in their thirties, misfits, trying to work that all out. So I have printed out the previous manuscript and am now rereading it (with pen in hand), and thinking it might be actually salvageable after all…
-Because the plan all along has been to get Hobgoblin ready to send out–for an agent-hunt. Which, I still would like to have an agent, but, now that I’ve just sold my third novel (or sixth and seventh, depending on how you want to count), do I really need an agent? Granted, life-changing money has not come showering down upon me from these small-press sales. (Maybe evening-changing.) But I am quite happy with the process so far, with the editorial attention I get, with knowing that I matter. I don’t know what the answer is. I’m sure it’s different for everyone. And I know it’s too early to even know for me, as none of the books have come out yet. But still, I ponder.
-And, I got a pedicure. Because nothing solves life’s great mysteries better than shiny toenails.